Destination Marketing Association International's
Accreditation can be easy to obtain!
Now available: your step-by-step kit for getting Accredited
- Case studies and sample documents in a workbook format that take the guess work out of compliance.
- Coaching calls with your chosen facilitator – saving you time and headaches from managing the process yourself
- Short-cuts and insights from two-time accreditation facilitator (St. Augustine, FL VCB and VISIT FLORIDA) and workshop instructor (Montgomery, Alabama CVB), Brian London via DVD or live on-site.
The Original
Accreditation, Demystified! Program
Accreditation, Demystified! Program
- 20-week coaching program giving you access to an experienced Accreditation facilitator. I’ll supervise your staff so you can “set it and forget it.” Get accredited without having to do any of the leg-work because I’ll work with your staff to get it done.
- 6-hours of DVD instruction provides a short-cut to understanding exactly what is necessary and gives you the quickest possible route towards Accreditation.
- Step-by-Step workbook demystifies DMAI’s technical jargon and makes life easy for managing all the documents.
- 30 minute coaching calls each week to review progress, keep on schedule and hold your hand through the step-by-step process.
- I know what the review board is looking for; and I take the guess work out of wondering if your documents have what it takes to earn your Accreditation. That’s why I provide a final review of all documents prior to submission – to certify your Accreditation!
The Supreme
Accreditation, Demystified! Program
all the benefits of the original program, plus...
For Pricing and Order information,
Accreditation, Demystified! Program
all the benefits of the original program, plus...
- An in-person, full-day seminar for staff and facilitator kick-starts the process and each staff member will know exactly what is expected of them, maximizing staff collaboration.
- I’ll set the pace for you – acting as your personal “easy button” to get everyone on the same page from day one, showing you and your team the shortcuts they can use to get Accredited quickly without falling behind on their current projects.
- An additional 30 minutes of coaching calls each week. This gives you freedom to focus on other projects while I’m working with your staff to get things done – ensuring an orderly process towards getting Accredited.
- An additional on-site document check and review creates a sense of urgency; leading to a quicker completion of the project.
For Pricing and Order information,
- Full check-list of required elements for accreditation, DVD set and facilitator workbook
Special sections include: - Best practice guidelines and examples for document management
- How to documentation on how to select a facilitator
- Choosing the most appropriate review cycle
- Working with your board to achieve maximum buy-in
- Determining if your documents meet the standard for certification
- Creating documents and processes that meet the standard
- DMAI Performance Reports and how to implement them